i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Shilesse: Hahahahs, my dear!
You expect me to shout "everyone i'm taking a picture!" meh!
So many people leh! Hahahas, scratch leg :x
so cute lah you.
Kerlynn: Hahahas, Happy belated birthday!
So how did you celebrate your birthday?
had a great time? (:
Siewyin: Hahahas, last time very lazy to wear contacts! :x
Angel: Hahahs, how long i've been with my boyf?
3 years and 9 months!
o.0: Hahahs, i thought you are refering to the previous post.
Min: Thanks for the compliment! (:
eh, what do you mean what qualification is needed?
Xoxo: I'll try to send you tonight!
Rushing out for shoot :x
Dawn: Np babe! (:
Bobo: Seems like there are people
who have problem with them! :x
Hahahahas! breaking kids chair?!
that made me laugh like crazy! That's so mean can!
I was reading some blogger's blog whom i got to meet
at CommunicAsia blogger's event,
And i realize some of them are so funny can?!
I think he's so funny! I had a damn great time
reading all his archives and laughing my ass off!
Reading food blogs never fail to make me hungry even in the
middle of the night,
Expect boyf is not here to bring me for supper. *pouts.
Went out with Chris & Hendra yesterday for a shoot discussion.
Chris treat me to dinner at Spageddies because
the queue at Ding Tai Feng was craaaaaaazy.
I want my 小笼包包包包包包~
And Hendra treat me for drinks at starbucks after dinner! :x
We were suppose to be discussion shoot concepts/ideas.
But in the end we crapped and crapped alot loh!
And Hendra was like, "Eh, you're wearing the big eye lenses is it?"
Me, pulls eyes big big: "No lah, Clear contacts! @#$% "
Pouts, everytime like that one leh!
Ohyah! Be nice at click my nuffnang
ad on the left sider will you? :D
I received my 1st birthday present from Chris!
It was an eyeshadow palette from M.A.C
It's weird receiving cosmetics as present from a guy loh!
I mean, i've received perfume and stuff from guys,
But cosmetics.. Never ever!
But it's so sweet! (:
...and somehow it made boyf jealous that somebody
gave me my birthday present before him..
and he was like: " Darling, tmr i'll be busy hunting
for something special for somebody.."
HAHAAHAHAHAS, and suddenly he became damn nice,
"Darling you want japanese fashion mag?"
"Darling the cosmetics what shade you want ah?"
"Darling you still got any other cosmetics you want from here?"
thank you Chris! (:
Ok, i admit.
this post is like totally meaningless!
I shall end it with very ahem.. camwhorish pictures.

Btw, i really love the Revlon Mineral Foundation leh!
Like no kidding man, My skin was breaking out
pretty badly for these few weeks
(i've no idea why, maybe my period)
But after using that for like one week,
My skin got better leh!
Even like after i wash off my makeup at the end of the day,
My face feels damn smoooooth!
Somemore look damn natural loh.
Omg, nowadays my makeup is damn simple and natural.
Cos i'm starting to get bored of my blue smoky eyeshadow,
So i'm going for natural look now!
BRTC BB cream, Revlon Mineral foundation,
Revlon mineral blusher, Revlon Make a Sheen eyeshadow
in Espress'O Yourself, Lipbalm & lipgloss, Fake eyelashes.
I'm seriously in love with Revlon nowwww~
That's it!
I've got to rush to prepare for my shoot later already!
Sentosa siloso beach resort! the pool the pool the pooool!
I wanna shoot at the pool!
Hope it doesn't rain.
Next post will prolly be my coverage on the
Blogger event at CommuniAsia.
Show some love and tag 咯! :D
Sayonara, loves. (:
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